Monday, September 28, 2015

Pork Roll

On Saturday, I had a new experience. My sister and I went to Arm & Hammer Park for the Case's Pork Roll Eating Championship. It's funny, because my sister doesn't eat much, but we wanted to spend some time together, the park is nearby, and it was a beautiful day.
I've never been to a live food eating contest before. 12 contestants had 10 minutes to see who could eat the most pork roll sandwiches. I was amazed at the strategies they used to get those sandwiches swallowed down! I think the winner ate 32 sandwiches! 
So many types of sandwiches were available. I had the Oink,Cluck&Moo sandwich. My sister had The Classic sandwich. I was full after my one sandwich. Clearly, I don't have food eating contestant skills. LOL!
Check out the pork roll person on the left!   That's my delicious sandwich below.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Women Warriors

About a week ago, I was in a studio in Fishtown in Phila. for a photo shoot. I'm one of four women  to be featured in the October 2015 issue in an article about women and breast cancer.  The magazine name is REALWOMAN (  You can visit them online at REALWOMANONLINE.COM
They also have a Facebook page REALWOMANONLINE
You might want to check it out and "Like" their Facebook page. It's a positive publication.
I'm excited to see how the article comes out. I'm thankful to be a breast cancer survivor.
Here's my cell phone selfie from the photo shoot that day. I had finished my pictures and was chatting and and waiting for the other ladies and the group picture session. The professional makeup artist does good work! You'll see in the article. Please look for it.
Best wishes,

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Playing House

This is my month to teach the little ones in Sunday School. We're going to build a house using blocks and role play a faithful family. The objective is for the children to learn how God wants the family to live and how family members should interact with love. I have most of the figures for the boys in my class. Today, I picked up 2 little brown female dolls. The girls in my class will decide if they're going to be mother and daughter, or 2 sisters. The problem is there were only 2 female dolls left at the store, and since they aren't identical, I know both of my girl students will want to work with the same doll. Which doll do you think that will be? The doll with the black hair or the doll with the pink hair?
Oh well, I'd better go to another store and find some more little female dolls.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Mom Blessings

Grace upon grace upon grace...
That's a favorite statement our minister makes. It helps us remember how God liberally gives to us. It helps me more appreciate my abundant blessings from God. They come every single day. We all woke up this morning, our first blessing for today.
Yesterday, I was blessed to experience my octogenarian mother receive anesthesia, undergo an operation, and wake up in recovery talking, according to her surgeon. When  my sister and I laid eyes on her in post-op, she was munching cheerfully on saltines, and smiling. She even asked for some more saltine crackers. She was hungry and happy and thankful. All of us who love her are thankful for this blessing also.