Monday, April 29, 2024

Always with Me

I live in an old house that has an antique stove. When people see it, they often marvel and say, "Wow! They don't make these anymore!" or "Why don't you sell it? You could get lots of cash for this piece of history." I haven't sold it because it serves my purpose. It has 2 standing pilots, so I can still use the stovetop and oven even when there's a power outage in our area. It's due for a polish of the metal and surface. That chore is on my list for this week. Seems we never run out of chores, right?

One recent morning, I sensed something, so I went to the basement and checked. No problem there. Then, I checked the stove. Turns out one of the pilot lights had gone out. Our sensor on the kitchen wall was alerting me. I opened the windows and doors before relighting the pilot. Our heavenly Father watched over me, and for that I'm thankful. You likely remember a recent time when the heavenly Father watched out for your well-being, don't you?

I'm Always Sylvia. I'm always thankful.


Wednesday, April 3, 2024


I don't cry often, only when I need to. However, I shed a few tears the other day when I watered my ponytail palm, which I've had for more than twenty years. When the water hit the soil, I saw lots of movement. Tiny ants came out of the soil and traveled down the sides of the pot to get out of the water. Some crawled up on the leaves and the sides of the plant. I took her outside, put her on a table, and watered her some more. More ants! I looked up remedies and tried a few. Things seemed still, so I brought her back inside overnight. The next day, I watered her again, and more ants surfaced, even though I used a natural deterrent. You can see in the picture on the left that many were caught on glue pads, so I figured the colony was gone and I could revive Sashay. I was wrong. The leaves began to fall off. I was bewildered, because a week before this, there were no ants at all. I couldn't watch Sashay continue to decline, and every source I researched indicated I had to let Sashay go. The ant colony had slipped in to make their trails and prepare the pot as home for them and their babies. 

After that realization, I searched for and found Sister, a young ponytail palm. 

I miss Sashay, but Sister appeals to me a little more each day. That makes me smile.

I'm always Sylvia, and I'm sending good thoughts your way.😊

