Thursday, March 16, 2023

 The Man Reading on the Footpath

It's a beautiful day for a walk along the footpath.  Look at him reading a book and smiling! When I walk by, I'll see the book's title. Wait a minute! The cover has a red door, like the one on the cover of my 4th novel: Church Doors Book 4: Won't Quit! 

He's reading my novel! When I'm near him, I get up the nerve to greet him and say I'm the book's author. He smiles at me. "I'm enjoying your novel." He reaches into his pocket and hands me his business card. I note that he's not wearing a wedding band. Hmm, I've got two single sister friends. Possibilities? The fact that he's reading an inspirational novel is a plus. When I apologize because I don't have my business cards with me, he replies, "No worries. Your name is on the cover and inside. I'll check out your website." I thank him and resume my walk. At home, I take out his business card and read it. He has a publishing company that specializes in inspirational fiction books!  What do you think?  Is this a consequence or a blessing?

Always Sylvia