Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Sleeping Alone or Sleeping With?

When you're used to someone sleeping in bed with you, it feels different when they don't. This is not a sad tale. This is about looking at the situation in more ways than one. Some people would rather sleep alone. Some people never want to sleep alone. It doesn't happen often, but when my husband's not here due to business travel, the bed isn't as warm on a cold winter night. I don't get to comfortably drift into sleep listening to his familiar breathing pattern. I don't get the sense of knowing that someone I trust is sleeping next to me.

On the other hand, on the rare times I do sleep alone, I don't have to search for the television remote in the morning. I only have to make up one side of the bed in the morning: my side.

I opt for sharing the bed with my partner. Your thoughts?

Smiles😊!   www.sylviabrownroberts.com

Monday, October 11, 2021

Stress Test Experience

I had my first stress test today. It was no joke. I used treadmills at the last gym I attended and have  used one at home, so I figured I'd pass the test without too much stress. The technician and the nurse practitioner told me what to expect as I had the gel and the sensors applied. I was mellow for the first phase and chatted comfortably with the staff members as they monitored me and the medical equipment. I soon learned this medical treadmill was a lot more than the one pictured here. Second phase: I walked more quickly, was still able to chat, but I breathed more deeply. Third phase: I jogged in order to keep up. As it sped up, I saw myself as Lucille Ball in one of her "I Love Lucy" episodes and as Martin Lawrence in one of his "Martin" exercise episodes. I held on tight to the bars to keep from flying off the treadmill backwards. My feet felt heavy. My lungs screamed at me. The last time I remember running this hard, I was twelve and a dog was chasing me. I kept running until the third phase was slowed down. I know I looked all kinds of crazy, but I gave it my all. How was your first stress test experience?😊
