Tuesday, November 3, 2020

For Crying Out Loud

 While driving, I listened to a talk radio station caller. Due to the Covid-19 crisis, she hasn't had a paycheck in about 2 weeks. The safety precautions (social distancing, outdoor seating, limited amount of customers allowed, etc., at her restaurant job make it impossible for her employer to keep the restaurant open and pay employees. Her boss may lose the business. The caller's husband is on disability. This woman is running out of money to pay bills. She doesn't want to ask family for help, because most people around her are involved in their own pandemic struggles. The talk show host encouraged the caller to let family members know her plight so they can offer what assistance they can. The caller's voice broke when she said softly, "I'll ask my Mom." In my car, I prayed for her out loud through my tears. I don't cry easily. I understood why she didn't want to ask for help. I can be like that. Sometimes, we do the best we can, but we still need help. In faith, I turn to God, but my tears weren't for me that day. They were for the caller, as was the prayer.  Be kind, and please VOTE today.



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