Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Got a Dollar?

There's a man who rides a bicycle around a local parking lot. I see him during the warmer months.   What he does as he circles through the parking lot is surprising. When he rides close enough to you, he asks, "Got a dollar?" If you don't respond, he circles back to you and asks, "Got a quarter?"  If that doesn't get a response, he rides by again and asks, "Got a dime or a nickel?" 
If you don't give him any money after that, he rides off and finds another person and does the same routine. He looks a little disheveled, but he's not threatening. He's low key about this, as if he doesn't want to draw attention from any parking lot security folks.
There's a bit of concern when I try to help and get a thought that the person may use the money I give them in a self-destructive way.  The only control you have over that is to keep your money in your pocket, I guess. One of my friends says she gives the donation in good faith and doesn't worry about what they spend it on because she knows she meant well...

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