Friday, July 12, 2024

Write On, Author.

I've been an author for 14 years. My 5th novel in the Church Doors series of Faith Works Stories was published in May 2024. One thing I know for sure is that I never get tired of seeing one of my novels in a reader's hands. Over the years, some people have approached me with positive verbal reviews. I thank them and let them know they can go online and post that wonderful review on Amazon, or Barnes & Noble, or Goodreads. That way more people can read their opinions of my novels. Feedback from readers is important to authors. 

By grace, I plan to write several more novels. They may not all be part of the Church Doors series, but I aim for them to be full of thought-provoking characters and how they handle challenges of  faith. 

I like the pensive expression on this reader's face. 

I'm always Sylvia.

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