Bulletproof book bags are on the scene. As a retired teacher, when I think of book bags, I think of pencils, notebooks, completed or incomplete homework assignments, maybe some snacks. Over the years in my classroom, I've seen book bags with a roach or two inside, and a family member's beeper or cell phone that was smuggled out of the house by one of my students. I've seen trading cards in one student's book bag that belonged in the book bag of another student. Stuff like that I've seen.
However, the state of our society includes some individuals who find it in their hearts to enter schools and classrooms to shoot and kill students, even pre-k and elementary school students, and adult school staff members. Around the time I retired, there was talk of arming classroom teachers with guns. I didn't think that was the way to go. What if one of my students got a hold of the gun? What if a student was accidentally shot? Too many things could go wrong. I thought, "There has to be a better way to protect the innocent in our schools."
Some think bulletproof bags are the answer, or at least a way to save more students from those who believe they have the right to kill just because they feel like it. Help us, Lord.
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