A few months ago, I toured our new high school. Like all the others I spoke with on the tour, I was impressed with the beautiful state-of-the-art building. Also, this very large wall hanging caught my eye. The message touched the heart of this retired teacher. All I can say is, "Yes, and if you teach children and don't believe this, I wonder if you should teach children." -Sylvia-
Monday, December 16, 2019
Friday, November 22, 2019
White Porcelain Cups
Sometimes items appeal to me for many little reasons. Like these white porcelain cups that I got at a flea market fundraiser. I like that they have corners instead of just curves. I like that they are made of porcelain. I like that I can sip from the corner of the cup or the straight side of the cup. I like that my brother and I split a set of four into two for me and two for him. He liked them also, but neither one of us has available storage space for the set of four. I like that the two of us always negotiate well. I like the shininess of my mugs. I like when they hold coffee and I like when they hold tea.
That is all.
Visit me at www.sylviabrownroberts.com
That is all.
Visit me at www.sylviabrownroberts.com
Monday, November 11, 2019
Authors and Readers
It was a pleasure to participate in the "Authors' Area" at the NJEA (New Jersey Education Association) Convention last week. Of course, authors want people to purchase and read their work, but I also get a charge out of discussing my writing and my writing process with readers. Before I know it, I get a rush when I speak of a character's thought process in response to a question from a reader. It's great when readers provide fresh ideas and viewpoints that are valuable to authors. The live author-reader relationship is a good thing!
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Save The Children
This art on our city's Artworks building is expertly done. It makes me catch my breath. A view of any child suffering anywhere calls to the heart. Let's each do what we can to end the suffering of children everywhere.
Visit my website at www.sylviabrownroberts.com
Visit my website at www.sylviabrownroberts.com
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
I write mostly at home. I try to keep the house quiet during these writing sessions. I allow soft music or no music. There's no television news. My issue is the house telephone with the answering machine. I screen my calls because only the voice of my mother or a family member gets me to quickly pick up the phone during a writing session. Everyone else can leave a message. I can respond or not respond later. Today's calls are an example of why I screen calls when I write. These calls happened three times during today's writing time: This is a message from the Social Security Administration. Your Social Security number has been suspended for some reason. Please call this number in order to resolve this matter. Have a good day.(Not a human voice). How do you handle calls like these?😊
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Bulletproof Education
Bulletproof book bags are on the scene. As a retired teacher, when I think of book bags, I think of pencils, notebooks, completed or incomplete homework assignments, maybe some snacks. Over the years in my classroom, I've seen book bags with a roach or two inside, and a family member's beeper or cell phone that was smuggled out of the house by one of my students. I've seen trading cards in one student's book bag that belonged in the book bag of another student. Stuff like that I've seen.
However, the state of our society includes some individuals who find it in their hearts to enter schools and classrooms to shoot and kill students, even pre-k and elementary school students, and adult school staff members. Around the time I retired, there was talk of arming classroom teachers with guns. I didn't think that was the way to go. What if one of my students got a hold of the gun? What if a student was accidentally shot? Too many things could go wrong. I thought, "There has to be a better way to protect the innocent in our schools."
Some think bulletproof bags are the answer, or at least a way to save more students from those who believe they have the right to kill just because they feel like it. Help us, Lord.
However, the state of our society includes some individuals who find it in their hearts to enter schools and classrooms to shoot and kill students, even pre-k and elementary school students, and adult school staff members. Around the time I retired, there was talk of arming classroom teachers with guns. I didn't think that was the way to go. What if one of my students got a hold of the gun? What if a student was accidentally shot? Too many things could go wrong. I thought, "There has to be a better way to protect the innocent in our schools."
Some think bulletproof bags are the answer, or at least a way to save more students from those who believe they have the right to kill just because they feel like it. Help us, Lord.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Working Out in Shorts
Every now and then, I run into a situation that long ago would have upset me, but no longer does. Instead, it amuses me. Maturity is a good thing.
I was at a workout place wearing sports shorts that don't cover my knees. They felt comfy because they're made of moisture wicking material. My workout pants usually cover my knees or are ankle length, but this month has been HOT! Now, these ones are shorter, but they aren't what we used to call Daisy Dukes: no cheek meat is exposed😊.
As I worked out, I heard another woman whisper to her friend and nod in my direction. I guess her friend didn't get the message, so she said, "Shorts." I acted like I didn't hear, but years ago, I would have taken this as shade and would have addressed it. It's interesting that when many of us were younger, we were more critical of the appearance of others: bra straps showing, too much cleavage, tight pants, short pants, bright lipstick, earrings, makeup, slip showing, etc. Is it really that important?
When we know better, we hopefully do better.
When I launder my shorts, I'll work out in them again😃!
I was at a workout place wearing sports shorts that don't cover my knees. They felt comfy because they're made of moisture wicking material. My workout pants usually cover my knees or are ankle length, but this month has been HOT! Now, these ones are shorter, but they aren't what we used to call Daisy Dukes: no cheek meat is exposed😊.
As I worked out, I heard another woman whisper to her friend and nod in my direction. I guess her friend didn't get the message, so she said, "Shorts." I acted like I didn't hear, but years ago, I would have taken this as shade and would have addressed it. It's interesting that when many of us were younger, we were more critical of the appearance of others: bra straps showing, too much cleavage, tight pants, short pants, bright lipstick, earrings, makeup, slip showing, etc. Is it really that important?
When we know better, we hopefully do better.
When I launder my shorts, I'll work out in them again😃!
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Happy Birthday, Sis!
This is a salad with grilled chicken. There's another salad across the table, but it's not in view. The significance of this picture is what you cannot see in the picture.
Yesterday, my sister and I took time from our busy schedules and met for a spontaneous lunch and "sister chat" in honor of her birthday. We each had a salad and shared a conversation.
It was a good conversation, full of love, support, and respect for one another.
Sometimes we're silly, like the two little girls who grew up in the Brown family home.
Sometimes we're kinda deep, like the concerned educators we became as adults.
We don't always agree with one another, but we always listen to each other.
We have distinctly different personalities, but similar qualities from each of our parents.
We really SEE each other.
I'm blessed to have her as my sister. I thank God for her.
Love you, Peggy!
Friday, June 21, 2019
Look who's reading my novel!
Writers love to see others read their work. This gentleman just got his copy of my third novel. The title is Behind and Beyond Church Doors: Promises. Looks like he got it out of the mailbox, took it out of the envelope, and didn't wait until he got back to his place to enjoy a good read! Way to make an author smile😊!
Visit me at www.sylviabrownroberts.com
Visit me at www.sylviabrownroberts.com
Monday, June 3, 2019
Tuna Hoagie, Anyone?
Tuna hoagies are my latest reminder that between completing a movie with my Co-Executive Producer, completing a fourth novel in the CHURCH DOORS series, keeping up with church work, practicing for a concert, a Book Club reading, planning a school reunion, and family- I MUST SLOW DOWN!
The two hoagies you see actually represent a total of four hoagies. Let me explain: I thought I ordered two hoagies: one for me and one for my husband, from Dominick's. However, when I went to Dominick's to pick them up, the guy there said I hadn't called the order in. As I stood there feeling confused, it hit me that I'd ordered from Valentino's, not Dominick's!
Embarrassed, I asked the guy at Dominick's to make me two tuna hoagies while I waited. I got them and realized that by this time, two hoagies were waiting for me at Valentino's. It was too late to cancel that first order! Guilt set in. I couldn't ignore the fact that it would cost Valentino's a profit if I didn't pay for the order. How would I want to be treated?
I took the two hoagies from Dominick's and drove to Valentino's to get the first two I called in. I spent more money on four hoagies, but I felt better in the end. 😊
The two hoagies you see actually represent a total of four hoagies. Let me explain: I thought I ordered two hoagies: one for me and one for my husband, from Dominick's. However, when I went to Dominick's to pick them up, the guy there said I hadn't called the order in. As I stood there feeling confused, it hit me that I'd ordered from Valentino's, not Dominick's!
Embarrassed, I asked the guy at Dominick's to make me two tuna hoagies while I waited. I got them and realized that by this time, two hoagies were waiting for me at Valentino's. It was too late to cancel that first order! Guilt set in. I couldn't ignore the fact that it would cost Valentino's a profit if I didn't pay for the order. How would I want to be treated?
I took the two hoagies from Dominick's and drove to Valentino's to get the first two I called in. I spent more money on four hoagies, but I felt better in the end. 😊
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Summer Sounds
This morning before 9 a.m., three of my neighbors had their lawn care companies arrive at the same time. You can imagine the burst of noise as the lawn mowers, trimmers, and blowers bellowed from three yards simultaneously. It was a cacophony of sounds. Needless to say, I got up and started my day earlier than I wanted to, with no alarm clock needed.
Ah, the sounds of summer!
Ah, the sounds of summer!
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Slow Down
It's time for me to slow down. I know this because I lose things when I multitask quickly for several days in a row. This morning, I was about to leave for Noon Prayer service when I noticed that one of my favorite necklaces was not around my neck where I thought I had put it. I remembered taking it out of the jewelry box. I hadn't moved from the room, but the necklace was nowhere in sight.
"It has to be here. I haven't left this room!" I whispered. After a few minutes of searching the room, I sat down, laughed and spoke out loud.
"Now I know why my third graders used to look so genuinely bewildered when they couldn't find their pencils, even though they hadn't left their seats. I haven't left my room and I can't find my necklace! I've become my third graders!"
Then, I found the necklace on the table near my jewelry box. It's a good thing I was heading for Noon Prayer service. I needed to be there, sit still, and think about only one thing for an hour.
"It has to be here. I haven't left this room!" I whispered. After a few minutes of searching the room, I sat down, laughed and spoke out loud.
"Now I know why my third graders used to look so genuinely bewildered when they couldn't find their pencils, even though they hadn't left their seats. I haven't left my room and I can't find my necklace! I've become my third graders!"
Then, I found the necklace on the table near my jewelry box. It's a good thing I was heading for Noon Prayer service. I needed to be there, sit still, and think about only one thing for an hour.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Movie Trailer Viewing Event #1
This was truly an amazing, warm, supportive event! A movie adapted from my first novel, Behind Church Doors, is in pre-production! We're using our movie trailer viewing events to assist with fundraising. This was our first movie trailer viewing event. The next one will be in MD in May 2019.
Find out more at behindchurchdoors@gmail.com
Find out more at behindchurchdoors@gmail.com
Monday, April 1, 2019
A Sweet from Memory Lane
I attended a Book Club meeting last Saturday. Our host served a special dessert that took all of us back to our childhood days. We shared our memories of the tasty cold treat. Long ago, some of us got a sweet like this from an ice cream truck and some of us got it from the neighborhood corner store. All of us remembered that it cost only a couple of coins back then. We remembered it by different names: Dreamsicle, Creamsicle, Orange Cream Pop. It was a happy dessert on a Saturday afternoon for a group of lady readers. Maybe you remember this sweet or one like it from your childhood time?😊
Sylvia @ www.sylviabrownroberts.com
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Burying Hatchets
Here's a new recreation business near our city. It's called Bury the Hatchet. Perhaps it's new to me because I'm a Baby Boomer and it maybe appeals to a younger crowd.
I've heard the term bury the hatchet. I think it means to end an argument and make peace.
However, this is an axe-throwing activity. I've watched them build this business. I think it's going to be interesting, but look at the business placement: an axe-throwing business next to a vision center.
Thinking like the writer I am, I consider this: the axe-throwing will take place next to the vision business. I hope the customers who need vision products (like eyeglasses and contact lenses) visit the vision center before they go to the axe-throwing business and throw axes! What a story this could be! I'm just saying!
I've heard the term bury the hatchet. I think it means to end an argument and make peace.
However, this is an axe-throwing activity. I've watched them build this business. I think it's going to be interesting, but look at the business placement: an axe-throwing business next to a vision center.
Thinking like the writer I am, I consider this: the axe-throwing will take place next to the vision business. I hope the customers who need vision products (like eyeglasses and contact lenses) visit the vision center before they go to the axe-throwing business and throw axes! What a story this could be! I'm just saying!
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Behind Church Doors Movie Trailer
The excitement grows!
The trailer for the BEHIND CHURCH DOORS movie has been completed! This movie is adapted from my first novel: Behind Church Doors.
It is dramatic and humorous, and it will make us think about what it really means to lean on Jesus, seek God for strength in the battle, and forgive.
In a few weeks, we'll have
Movie Trailer Screening Events as we look for producer donors and investors.
This movie will be unique and powerful! For more information, go to behindchurchdoors@gmail.com
My website: www.sylviabrownroberts.com
Thanks, everyone!
The trailer for the BEHIND CHURCH DOORS movie has been completed! This movie is adapted from my first novel: Behind Church Doors.
It is dramatic and humorous, and it will make us think about what it really means to lean on Jesus, seek God for strength in the battle, and forgive.
In a few weeks, we'll have
Movie Trailer Screening Events as we look for producer donors and investors.
This movie will be unique and powerful! For more information, go to behindchurchdoors@gmail.com
My website: www.sylviabrownroberts.com
Thanks, everyone!
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Wash Day
The picture on the bottom shows one of the economy brands of laundry detergent that I use. The price is reasonable and my clothes come out clean and fresh-smelling. The laundry detergents on the top left are the more popular brands. They cost lots more. A woman tells me that in her store, the more expensive brands on the left have to be locked behind a plastic guard that emits a noise when the guard is lifted because people steal.
"Steal laundry detergent?" I ask.
She replies, "There's a laundromat around the corner. Some customers come in here with plastic cups, unscrew the detergent bottle tops, and pour detergent into the cups. Then they walk out with the cups in their pockets, return to the laundromat, and use the stolen detergent to wash their clothes. That's why we have to lock these brands up."
I guess there's more than one way to look at it. Some people may not be able to afford to pay for the use of the laundromat's washers and dryers and also the laundry detergent.
Peace be,
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Chicken Wings, Not Turkey Tails
I'm in an interesting people cycle. My latest unusual people experience involved chicken wings.
It's best to get to the popular food stop at the local Farmers' Market early, because the favorite foods sell out fast. I know the routine now, so I get a number card off a nail on a pole. People walk back and forth checking out the fried, baked/ barbecue chicken, turkey tails, ribs, and other foods.
A server calls my number and I order a pound each of baked chicken wings and fried chicken wings. The wings are in a pan next to the empty turkey tails pan. The server puts my order in two containers (shown above). All of a sudden, a man wails,"Aw, no! That gal just bought all the turkey tails!" He looks like he's about to cry. His female companion tries to console him. I want to say, "These are chicken wings, not turkey tails," but he's so upset that I take my wings and start to move along. The server tells him more turkey tails will be cooked by 5 p.m. He puts his number card back on the nail and says to his companion "Let's go. I really wanted those turkey tails." Wow...
Sylvia @ www.sylviabrownroberts.com
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
It Doesn't Hurt to Speak
I was raised to speak to people when they speak to me. A simple "Hello" or a nod to acknowledge a fellow human is courteous behavior.
On my way into a waiting room this week, I quickly noticed two women on my right. One of them was interacting with a computer. Another was reading a book. To my left were three men. I walked to the left, said a soft "Hello." The older-looking man directly in my eyesight jerked his head. He looked up from his cell phone and frowned at me with an expression of Why are you speaking? I don't know you! (He kept this sour face the whole time he waited.) The other two men nodded "Hello." Very polite. I sat in the chair next to the older man and busied myself with my reading material. When I got hungry, I opened a pack of breakfast crackers, bowed my head and prayed silently, and ate my crackers. I noticed the man across from me had sandals on his bare feet(in February). That made me smile because it reminded me of the young people on our college campus back in the day. Some of them wore sandals all year long, no matter what the weather. They often called themselves hippies. They were mellow and hung out with all kinds of people of all skin tones. The other man was scrolling on his cell. I got the sense he wanted to chat, but didn't want to offend me in any way.
After awhile, the technician entered the room and let the older guy know his car was ready. That older dude came to life, all chuckles and conversation! He left the room with the technician. I shook my head and smiled. The other two men noticed and smiled, too.
In a few minutes, the man wearing the sandals commented about how he had to get work done on his car because his wife needs it for work. We chatted about that. When it was time for him to leave, he thanked me for encouraging him. Then I had a car conversation with the remaining man. He explained some car features to me, like the "ECO" light in my car. We reminisced about the days when we changed our engine oil ourselves instead of taking our cars to the dealership. My car was ready before his. We both thanked each other for the pleasant and informative conversation.
I'll probably never see either of them again, but at least the three of us strangers shared positive human interaction. That's a good thing.
On my way into a waiting room this week, I quickly noticed two women on my right. One of them was interacting with a computer. Another was reading a book. To my left were three men. I walked to the left, said a soft "Hello." The older-looking man directly in my eyesight jerked his head. He looked up from his cell phone and frowned at me with an expression of Why are you speaking? I don't know you! (He kept this sour face the whole time he waited.) The other two men nodded "Hello." Very polite. I sat in the chair next to the older man and busied myself with my reading material. When I got hungry, I opened a pack of breakfast crackers, bowed my head and prayed silently, and ate my crackers. I noticed the man across from me had sandals on his bare feet(in February). That made me smile because it reminded me of the young people on our college campus back in the day. Some of them wore sandals all year long, no matter what the weather. They often called themselves hippies. They were mellow and hung out with all kinds of people of all skin tones. The other man was scrolling on his cell. I got the sense he wanted to chat, but didn't want to offend me in any way.
After awhile, the technician entered the room and let the older guy know his car was ready. That older dude came to life, all chuckles and conversation! He left the room with the technician. I shook my head and smiled. The other two men noticed and smiled, too.
In a few minutes, the man wearing the sandals commented about how he had to get work done on his car because his wife needs it for work. We chatted about that. When it was time for him to leave, he thanked me for encouraging him. Then I had a car conversation with the remaining man. He explained some car features to me, like the "ECO" light in my car. We reminisced about the days when we changed our engine oil ourselves instead of taking our cars to the dealership. My car was ready before his. We both thanked each other for the pleasant and informative conversation.
I'll probably never see either of them again, but at least the three of us strangers shared positive human interaction. That's a good thing.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Girl Scout "S'mores"
I bought some Girl Scout cookies to support the fundraising project for the niece of a friend of mine. It's been a while since I purchased any Girl Scout cookies. I don't think I had Girl Scout "S'mores" before. These are good cookies, but not my favorite ones from the Girl Scouts. I'll post about those on another day. 😊
What I like more about this package is the picture. Three joyful females having fun in a natural setting. Diversity. No hand-held devices. Instead, marshmallows on sticks. Camping. Sisterhood. Mentors. The word message is simple, yet powerful: talk with your friends, do fun things, get to know everyone better.
Wisdom from a girl.
Adults can sometimes learn lots from children.
What I like more about this package is the picture. Three joyful females having fun in a natural setting. Diversity. No hand-held devices. Instead, marshmallows on sticks. Camping. Sisterhood. Mentors. The word message is simple, yet powerful: talk with your friends, do fun things, get to know everyone better.
Wisdom from a girl.
Adults can sometimes learn lots from children.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Got a Dollar?
There's a man who rides a bicycle around a local parking lot. I see him during the warmer months. What he does as he circles through the parking lot is surprising. When he rides close enough to you, he asks, "Got a dollar?" If you don't respond, he circles back to you and asks, "Got a quarter?" If that doesn't get a response, he rides by again and asks, "Got a dime or a nickel?"
If you don't give him any money after that, he rides off and finds another person and does the same routine. He looks a little disheveled, but he's not threatening. He's low key about this, as if he doesn't want to draw attention from any parking lot security folks.
There's a bit of concern when I try to help and get a thought that the person may use the money I give them in a self-destructive way. The only control you have over that is to keep your money in your pocket, I guess. One of my friends says she gives the donation in good faith and doesn't worry about what they spend it on because she knows she meant well...
Monday, January 14, 2019
Blessed Life
Food for thought: I was given these pictures at a session a while ago. We were asked to look at the left column with ourselves in mind. Then we were asked to look at the picture below and read the list on the right. It's worth considering how one person's idea of a blessed life may be a lot different from another person's. It depends on your circumstances and what's important to you. I pray that I'll always appreciate the blessings I receive and never take them for granted. I pray that I'll share my blessings with others who need a share. I pray that my focus will be on what's truly important.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Her 3rd Grade Teacher
"The only teacher I remember from elementary school is my third grade teacher. She was also the choir director and she made everything she taught us into a song. Because of that, I still remember my Times Tables to this day!"
A young woman said these words to me after I answered her question about my work status with, "I'm a retired third grade teacher." This young woman is a staff member in an office. She said these words with a joyful smile on her face. All those years ago, and she still remembers with joy an adult who touched her life in a positive way.
It's a good thing.
Thursday, January 3, 2019
Laundromat Incident
I have a huge comforter that's too bulky for my washer/dryer at home, so I take it to a nearby laundromat. I enter and immediately see a friend of mine. As we exclaim how surprised we are to see each other, a man approaches us. He's a stranger, and no one else is in the place, so we cautiously but politely respond to his greeting. He says how happy he is to meet friendly women like us, and commences to have his own conversation with each of us by interrupting. He seems like he wants us to think he's a gentleman. Yet, he steps into the conversation my friend and I try to have. Instead of shaking our hands when we politely respond to his offer of a handshake, he attempts to kiss the backs of our hands, but we quickly pull our hands away. He stands too close when he speaks. He steps outside to smoke a cigarette a few times. When he does, my friend and I confirm we are uncomfortable, even though he showed me how to use the washer and dryer. "Maybe he's lonely and simply wants conversation," we say to each other. My friend finishes first, and I walk outside to her car with her. He follows us because he wants to help out. He's a gentleman, he insists.
He continues to talk with me. I keep my eyes on him. I have that weird feeling. When he leaves again to "get something," I notice his odd-looking van and think of all the crime shows I watch. I snatch my comforter from the dryer and make my exit. Better safe than sorry.
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