Saturday, July 18, 2015

Again With the Money?

Not too long ago, I ended up  with a fake $10 bill. Of course, I started paying more attention to my change after that. I guess I wasn't careful enough, because somehow I got a weird $20 bill. I was straightening out the bills in my wallet, looking for signs of counterfeit, when I noticed that Andrew Jackson's eyes on a $20 bill looked odd. I held the bill up to the light and could see clear through Jackson's eyeballs! Someone had either poked or burned out the eyes on the bill! It's not a fake bill, but can I spend it? Who would take it from me if they noticed? Isn't there a law against defacing legal tender? Here's a picture of the  bill against a white background. Some people have too much time on their hands...
Shaking my head but never giving up,

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