Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Random Act of Kindness

I'm in the checkout line at a drugstore today. When it's my turn, the cashier looks at me, smiles, and gives me a cheery, "Hello." I respond in kind. She sees my bracelets and compliments me on them.
"Your bracelets are lovely. Do you take them off when you go to sleep?"
"No, I sleep with them on."
She pulls her sleeve back, takes a bracelet off her arm, and says, "Here, add this to your bracelet collection."
She hands me the bracelet and tells me it's a gift to me from her. The words on the bracelet are:  EXPECT MIRACLES. I'm stunned. The cashier next to her smiles and says, "She gives things away all day; she's sweet like that."
I try to give it back, but she insists. Her only requirement to me is, "I want you to always expect a miracle."
I thank her. I'm so touched that a stranger would treat me to such a random act of kindness.  The good intention toward me is more valuable than the actual bracelet. Then, I realized I'm often so busy doing for others that I don't know I sometimes need a kindness myself. I didn't know I was in "random kindness" need until this happened to me today. Here's a picture of the bracelet.
Thank you, Lady at the drugstore.

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