Monday, March 23, 2015

Help from the Sister Circle

Lately, I've been going back and forth about a title for my 3rd novel, so I decided to get some feedback from people I trust before frustration arrived. I'm glad I did that. Like many writers, I work in isolation, but I'm part of a circle of friends who know me and know my work. When I get stuck chasing around in circles, they provide a few words of clarity and reminders about  my characters and themes. They correctly note that I'm so close to the story that I sometimes need fresh eyes and ears to see and hear about it.
Thank God for my literary circle. Thank you, my sisters.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Random Act of Kindness

I'm in the checkout line at a drugstore today. When it's my turn, the cashier looks at me, smiles, and gives me a cheery, "Hello." I respond in kind. She sees my bracelets and compliments me on them.
"Your bracelets are lovely. Do you take them off when you go to sleep?"
"No, I sleep with them on."
She pulls her sleeve back, takes a bracelet off her arm, and says, "Here, add this to your bracelet collection."
She hands me the bracelet and tells me it's a gift to me from her. The words on the bracelet are:  EXPECT MIRACLES. I'm stunned. The cashier next to her smiles and says, "She gives things away all day; she's sweet like that."
I try to give it back, but she insists. Her only requirement to me is, "I want you to always expect a miracle."
I thank her. I'm so touched that a stranger would treat me to such a random act of kindness.  The good intention toward me is more valuable than the actual bracelet. Then, I realized I'm often so busy doing for others that I don't know I sometimes need a kindness myself. I didn't know I was in "random kindness" need until this happened to me today. Here's a picture of the bracelet.
Thank you, Lady at the drugstore.