Thursday, February 2, 2023

Lovely Hands


She's 90 years old, but she still has these lovely hands. These hands are special to me, and not just to me. They're special to my brothers and my sister. They're special to grandchildren, nieces and nephews, cousins, and the rest of the extended family, "adopted" children, church members, neighbors, colleagues, friends, former students, and so on. These hands are still used to help and to do for others. These are the hands of Mom Brown, and although she moves a bit slower since her stroke in 2022, she still moves quite well. She's become familiar with her cane and calls her walker her "friend"- she says what her mother used to say, "I'm going to do as much as I can for as long as I can." Amen. I know something else about her hands. She clasps them in prayer, day and night.💖

Always Sylvia