I'm not a gadget guru, nor a techie, but I enjoy some of the devices that weren't around when I was growing up. This Baby Boomer came late to the tech party, but I've gotten used to my cell phone, laptop, and my tablet. I usually keep my Kindle next to my desk and use her to watch news and shows while I write and do tasks in my study. Sometimes I use her to watch movies and enjoy word games. Most of all, I read books on my Kindle and use Audible to listen to books. Last week I had three books downloaded. It's great because my room is crowded with books to be read and my Kindle takes up little space, plus she's easy to take while traveling. Today, my Kindle wouldn't start! I called the company and it turns out my warranty expired in 2020 and there have been at least two new versions/generations since my Kindle. Thankfully, the representative gave me good advice on how to proceed. I'll miss my old Kindle, but I'll be happy to meet my new one! Have you ever said goodbye to one of your tablets?
Always, Sylvia www.sylviabrownroberts.com