Don't let my smile fool you. It's a smile from another day.
Today was the day for my root canal. My great dentist let me know this last week at my first dental cleaning in a year. The delay was due to Covid-19 safety precautions.
I don't like needles and I don't like drills, but today I discovered the needles with the numbing agent were okay. My dentist had to drill through a bridge to get to a nerve in order to stop an infection in a molar. It's the noise of the drill and the thought that it might hit an unnumbed spot that gets to me. I made it through part one of this process without jumping out of the chair. Next session is next week, and I hope it's the last of this procedure. Maybe I'll write a short piece about this adventure.
Actually, I can still smile. I have a great and gentle dentist. I have dental insurance, and so many other blessings. God is good.