Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Author's Root Canal


Don't let my smile fool you. It's a smile from another day.

Today was the day for my root canal. My great dentist let me know this last week at my first dental cleaning in a year. The delay was due  to Covid-19 safety precautions.

 I don't like needles and I don't like drills, but today I discovered the needles with the numbing agent were okay. My dentist had to drill through a bridge to get to a nerve in order to stop an infection in a molar. It's the noise of the drill and the thought that it might hit an unnumbed spot that gets to me. I made it through part one of this process without jumping out of the chair. Next session is next week, and I hope it's the last of this procedure. Maybe I'll write a short piece about this adventure.

Actually, I can still smile. I have a great and gentle dentist. I have dental insurance, and so many other blessings. God is good.

Sylvia @www.sylviabrownroberts.com

Monday, June 14, 2021

With These Hands


Ever think about the agility, swiftness, precision, steadiness, and strength of your twenty year-old hands? Amazing, right? When I was  younger, many moons ago,  my hands fit all these descriptions. I liked to tinker with objects, complete puzzles, and assemble things like trays, small tables, bookshelves, etc. I was good at it, because my hands quickly picked up the signals from my brain and my fingers marched to the task. In this picture, you see one of my hands. My task is to assemble a shoe shelf for our clothing giveaway at the church building. My hand tries to make a two-direction connection of metal tubes with a plastic connector piece. So thankful for our thumbs, because they can do things our other fingers cannot. I completed the project. It took longer than it did in my twenties, but my hands/fingers did their job. As I age, I'm thankful for the strength I still have in my body. You probably agree. We might not be as quick, but the task usually gets done.

Sylvia @ www.sylviabrownroberts.com 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Light


Isn't it great when you find a gift that you put away because you didn't want to lose it? My niece Vonetta gave me this cool pen one holiday season. I found it when I switched purses recently. The message: Jesus is the Light is truth to me. When I push the tip of the stylus, the words light up. I like this gentle reminder. When I think on this message, life goes smoothly even when things go off track. That's because my focus turns to the meaning of the sentence and the fullness of who Jesus is. 