The CoronaVirus pandemic has brought many changes our way. We're encouraged to stay home in an effort to stop the spread of the virus. Supermarkets often have limited amounts of select products and many have signs on the floor that remind us to stay six feet apart. We have virtual worship services and meetings, virtual workouts, drive by parades to celebrate birthdays, promotions, and graduations. We think twice before we let others outside of family members enter our homes. We get several calls from doctors' offices because they want us to schedule our routine checkups. Many of us don't want to go to these offices right now, and we truly don't want to go to the hospital emergency room. When someone walks by us and coughs, we pay attention.
"Is that you, 'Rona? Please stay away from me."
One of my friends says she holds her breath and turns her head when someone walks past her in the store. No more family/friends hugs and kisses. The last time I posted, I wore a mask to the store, and it was optional. It's not optional anymore. Businesses have signs outside that tell us we need masks to enter. We will likely face more changes. Prayerfully, things will get better. I believe they will, in time.
For now, we wear our masks.
Be safe. Be kind. Please pray for those on the front line in this battle and those who are ill and those who mourn.
Visit me at www.sylviabrownroberts.com