Friday, June 21, 2019

Look who's reading my novel!

Writers love to see others read their work. This gentleman just got his copy of my third novel. The title is Behind and Beyond Church Doors: Promises. Looks like he got it out of the mailbox, took it out of the envelope, and didn't wait until he got back to his place to enjoy a good read! Way to make an author smile๐Ÿ˜Š! 
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Monday, June 3, 2019

Tuna Hoagie, Anyone?

Tuna hoagies are my latest reminder that between completing a movie with my Co-Executive Producer, completing a fourth novel in the CHURCH DOORS series, keeping up with church work, practicing for a concert, a Book Club reading, planning a school reunion, and family- I MUST SLOW DOWN!
The two hoagies you see actually represent a total of four hoagies. Let me explain: I thought I ordered two hoagies: one for me and one for my husband, from Dominick's. However, when  I went to Dominick's to pick them up, the guy there said I hadn't called the order in. As I stood there feeling confused, it hit me that I'd ordered from Valentino's, not Dominick's!
Embarrassed, I asked the guy at Dominick's to make me two tuna hoagies while I waited. I got them and realized that by this time, two hoagies were waiting for me at Valentino's. It was too late to cancel that first order! Guilt set in. I couldn't ignore the fact that it would cost Valentino's a profit if I didn't pay for the order. How would I want to be treated?
I took the two hoagies from Dominick's and drove to Valentino's to get the first two I called in. I spent more money on four hoagies, but I felt better in the end. ๐Ÿ˜Š