Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Girl Scout "S'mores"

I bought some Girl Scout cookies to support the fundraising project for the niece of a friend of mine. It's been a while since I purchased any Girl Scout cookies. I don't think I had Girl Scout "S'mores" before. These are good cookies, but not my favorite ones from the Girl Scouts. I'll post about those on another day. 😊
What I like more about this package is the picture. Three joyful females having fun in a natural setting. Diversity. No hand-held devices. Instead, marshmallows on sticks. Camping. Sisterhood. Mentors. The word message is simple, yet powerful: talk with your friends, do fun things, get to know everyone better.  
Wisdom from a girl.
Adults can sometimes learn lots from children.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Got a Dollar?

There's a man who rides a bicycle around a local parking lot. I see him during the warmer months.   What he does as he circles through the parking lot is surprising. When he rides close enough to you, he asks, "Got a dollar?" If you don't respond, he circles back to you and asks, "Got a quarter?"  If that doesn't get a response, he rides by again and asks, "Got a dime or a nickel?" 
If you don't give him any money after that, he rides off and finds another person and does the same routine. He looks a little disheveled, but he's not threatening. He's low key about this, as if he doesn't want to draw attention from any parking lot security folks.
There's a bit of concern when I try to help and get a thought that the person may use the money I give them in a self-destructive way.  The only control you have over that is to keep your money in your pocket, I guess. One of my friends says she gives the donation in good faith and doesn't worry about what they spend it on because she knows she meant well...

Monday, January 14, 2019

Blessed Life

Food for thought: I was given these pictures at a session a while ago. We were asked to look at the left column with ourselves in mind. Then we were asked to look at the picture below and read the list on the right. It's worth considering how one person's idea of a blessed life may be a lot different from another person's. It depends on your circumstances and what's important to you. I pray that I'll always appreciate the blessings I receive and never take them for granted. I pray that I'll share my blessings with others who need a share. I pray that my focus will be on what's truly important.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Her 3rd Grade Teacher

"The only teacher I remember from elementary school is my third grade teacher. She was also the choir director and she made everything she taught us into a song. Because of that, I still remember my Times Tables to this day!"
 A young woman said these words to me after I answered her question about my work status with, "I'm a retired  third grade teacher." This young woman is a staff member in an office. She said these words with a joyful smile on her face. All those years ago, and she still remembers with joy an adult who touched her life in a positive way.
It's a good thing.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Laundromat Incident

Do you get a peculiar feeling when you sense something's not quite right? You may tell yourself you're being silly, but the discomfort won't go away. 
I have a huge comforter that's too bulky for my washer/dryer at home, so I take it to a nearby laundromat. I enter and immediately see a friend of mine. As we exclaim how surprised we are to see each other, a man approaches us. He's a stranger, and no one else is in the place, so we cautiously but politely respond to his greeting.  He says how happy he is to meet friendly women like us, and commences to have his own conversation with each of us by interrupting. He seems like he wants us to think he's a gentleman. Yet, he steps into the conversation my friend and I try to have. Instead of shaking our hands when we politely respond to his offer of a handshake, he attempts to kiss the backs of our hands, but we quickly pull our hands away. He stands too close when he speaks. He steps outside to smoke a cigarette a few times. When he does, my friend and I confirm we are uncomfortable, even though he showed me how to use the washer and dryer. "Maybe he's lonely and simply wants conversation," we say to each other. My friend finishes first, and I walk outside to her car with her. He follows us because he wants to help out. He's a gentleman, he insists.
He continues to talk with me. I keep my eyes on him. I have that weird feeling. When he leaves again to "get something," I notice his odd-looking van and think of all the crime shows I watch. I snatch my comforter from the dryer and make my exit. Better safe than sorry.