Today, my new leggings caused unexpected drama. Purchased them a couple of weeks ago and recently noticed the white plastic security tag hadn't been removed by the salesperson. Went to the mall today to the have tag removed safely (the ink can shoot out of the device if not removed properly and the store sensor can send out an alarm). On my way to the store, I had to pass through the two sensors of another store and of course the alarms went off! I felt my heart beat faster! I paused, but then kept it moving, determined to get to the salesperson in the store where the device could be properly removed. I halfway looked for the security to come for me, but I had my receipt ready. Finally, I enter the store. The security tag on the leggings set off that alarm also! The salesperson used the machine to remove the security tag and we had a good laugh. Every time I wear these leggings, I'm going to remember this drama! Has something like this happened to you?