Wednesday, March 23, 2016


I had a craving for the chili from a certain fast food restaurant today, so I ordered a small chili from the discount menu. Since the price was inexpensive, I added a small burger. I don't do this often, but it was tasty. I chose a sunny window seat and looked out at the avenue. It was nice.
Then I heard two remarks:
One customer snapped loudly to the worker at the cash register, "Is everybody moving in slow motion today?"
The workers behind the counter didn't respond. They kept taking orders.
A few minutes later, another customer angrily handed his sandwich to a worker who was wiping off the tables and shouted, "Feel this sandwich! It's not even hot; take  it back! I hate to get cold food!" The worker quietly took the sandwich, tossed it in the waste container, and went to the counter to get the customer another sandwich. The man looked around like he wanted to get something started.
The elders say, "Speak to people the way you want them to speak to you."

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


I was in a store recently. A person approached me and said, "Sylvia, I was just thinking about you. I'm reading one of your novels and I'm enjoying it. One thing hit me personally, though. You include the names of some hymns in your book, and  Almost Persuaded is one of them.  I had to sing that song in front of the entire church when I was about ten years old.  I was so nervous, but I sang that song.You really brought back a tender memory for me when I read that part of your novel.  I always wonder why they made a me, a child, sing that song for the church. The last words are Almost but lost!"

Maybe they felt like an innocent child could better persuade someone to hear the message. I'm always thankful when my writing touches a reader's heart.